Close Caboo + Organic bæresele

Close Caboo + Organic bæresele

kr999.00 inkl. MVA

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Fantastisk flott bæresjal, lett i bruk; Close Caboo bæresele, «One Size Fits All».

Close Caboo bæresele minner veldig på en bæresjal, bare det at du slipper å knyte den selv. Lett i bruk og gir deg og barnet stor glede i flere år. Du kan bruke den fra nyfødt opp til 14,5 kg.

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What are the benefits of babywearing?

•   Baby is soothed by parent’s movements, closeness and heartbeat
•   Wearer can maintain visual contact with the baby at all times for extra-reassurance in those first formative months
•   Bonding is increased between parent and child
•   The Baby is better stimulated, having a greater awareness and interaction with the world around them
•   Reduced bouts of crying and so less stress for parent and child
•   Keeps parent’s hands free for other day to day tasks
•   Ideal for use skin-to-skin contact, keeping baby warm and establishing breastfeeding

Why Caboo?

•   To be close to someone as you will with Caboo are as simple with your new born as they are with nippers, whenever, wherever or however you use them.
•   Great indoors, they will allow you to get on with your day whilst maintaining that all important reassurance for you and your baby or you can take a Caboo outside for some fresh air and to share some scenery.
•  The secure straps support your baby from the top of their head to the base of their spine, with excellent head and neck support and baby is held in the recommended ‘frog legged’ or ‘M’ position to fully support their developing hips and spine.


  • 100% Organisk bomull

Drizzle, Porcelain, Cotton Blend, Stonewash, Cotton blend Phantom, Cotton Blend Olive, Cotton Organic Sage


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